
I'm sorry I have been neglecting to post based on my usual daily schedule. Think it's been over a month since my last update.

Hope you're all doing well, cause I'm not.

My Schedule has been getting increasingly more cumbersome as the weeks goes by, the timetable more hectic and the workload rises. As finals draw near, I'm pretty sure it won't be getting less anytime soon as preparations for those will  have to be put into practice already.

I've had to write  a few short essays for a general knowledge quiz recently so, I'll be posting those shortly (Just as a way to get my post count up).

However, it was fun writing these short essay and it did help my mind relax. I've been spending all my productivity time working on this Term paper that's due Wednesday, so the relaxing nature of these essays really helped; not that the topics are in any way relaxing.

Let me know what you think, I'd love to get some feedback. 

:: If you have any topics you'd like me to write about you can  message me and I'll add it to my queue of things to do, won't guarantee a fast response to said topic, but I'll try.

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